International Registration Plan

Motor Vehicles may be registered under the International Registration Plan using TAP.​

The state of Mississippi has implemented the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Performance Registration Information Systems (PRISM).

Any person licensing a motor vehicle in Mississippi under the International Registration Plan is required to provide their USDOT number and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). If the person registering the motor vehicle is leasing to another person, the USDOT number and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the motor carrier responsible for the safety of the vehicle is required for all vehicles being registered.

In addition, an updated MCS-150 form (within the past year) is required for each USDOT number associated with an IRP account. MCS-150 information may be updated on the FMSCA's SAFER​ system.


The International Registration Plan (IRP) Ma​nual​​​​​​ (Updated July 2017) and the International Registration Plan Application are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF (portable document format) documents.

If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, refer to Downloading for help on acquiring the correct viewer.


Related Sites

Mississippi Dept. of Transportation - Commercial Vehicle Permits

Mississippi Dept. of Transportation - Traffic and Road Conditions​

International Fuel Tax Association Inc (IFTA)

International Registration Plan (IRP)

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration PRISM Performance Registration Information Systems Management Program​